+61 414 867 848




CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black. The printing system is referred to as "4-colour process". These are the colours used by printers when printing anything that has more than 2 colours. Most of the spectrum can be achieved by combining them.

PMS or Pantone Colour System is an international standard for special colours. These are used when printing using 1 or 2 colours (using more colours usually becomes more expensive than the 4-colour process). The advantage of using a PMS colour is that it can work better for printing solid and special colours (like gold, silver or fluoro) that cannot be achieved with the traditional 4-colour process can be used .

RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. These are used to "display" colours in a monitor. Note: A printed image (4-colour process, CMYK) will usually look less bright compared to how it appears in a monitor.

A hi-resolution artwork is usually a file saved as a PDF (Portable Document Format) with several printing settings such as: Colours set as CMYK, resolution of 300dpi (dots per inch), trim marks and bleed.

A hi-resolution image has a setting of at least 300dpi (dots per inch) and is used for printing. Some images that are 72dpi (suitable for web, low-resolution) may be treated as hi-resolution if the original "print size" is large enough.


A domain name is a web address (i.e. www.alexsemba.com). It is the text name corresponding to the numeric (IP) address of a computer in the internet.

Web hosting is a place (server) to store the website so users can view it.

When the website is moved to a new web hosting, the registrar of the domain name (where it was registered) needs to be updated (delegation) so it points to the new web hosting when the web address is typed. Kind of letting the Post Office know that you changed your address.

Content management systems allow a person with some basic training to access and update designated content of the website by logging into an administrator area .